7 Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep is known to be essential to our physical and mental well-being. Despite this, many people are consistently deprived of proper sleep and are noticeably tired during the day.

Even though there are various causes and types of sleeping issues, experts always lead to a few basic strategies that encourage more restful sleep. However, adopting all these tactics may be daunting for many people.

But remember that it's not all or nothing; you should start with little adjustments and gradually progress to better sleep habits (sleep hygiene). Therefore, we've broken down these complex strategies and will present them in simple-to-follow tips for better sleep:

1. Increase bright light exposure

The internal biological clock in your body is called the circadian rhythm. This "body clock" influences your hormones, brain, and body allowing you to stay awake and notifying your body when it is time to sleep. As a result, natural sunshine or bright light during the day aids in the maintenance of a healthy circadian rhythm. Ensuring this will boost your daily energy, evening sleep quality, and length.

Because of its potency, you must be exposed to sunshine regularly. If this is impossible, you must, at the very least, get an artificial bright light device or bulb to ensure your circadian rhythm is healthy.

2. Avoid caffeine 6 to 8 hours before bed

The stimulant caffeine keeps you alert rather than encourages sleep. Energy drinks, sodas, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks should be resisted in the afternoons and evenings or 6 to 7 hours before sleeping because they can linger in your system for around a quarter of a day.

Watch out for hidden caffeine sources since chocolate and other sweets can occasionally trigger an energy boost and interfere with your sleep. To be safe, we recommend eating light, healthy snacks and drinking decaf drinks in the second portion of your day as you prepare for sleep.

3. Try to sleep and wake at consistent times

Your body's circadian rhythm operates on a fixed loop, synchronising itself with sunrise and sunset. As a result, keeping consistent with your waking and sleeping hours can help with long-term sleep quality.

Unsurprisingly, participants in one study who had disturbed sleep patterns and stayed up late on weekends experienced poor sleep. This is because inconsistent sleep habits can disrupt your body clock and melatonin levels, which tell your brain to sleep.

As a result, if you have trouble sleeping, attempt to get into the practice of waking up and going to bed consistently - even on weekends.

4. Incorporate foods for sleep during dinnertime

There are various tips for better sleep. However, incorporating food is something that's always overseen. Several sleep-enhancing meals could help you get more sleep. Healthline states these consist of almonds, turkey, kiwi, fatty fish, and a few others. In contrast, large, heavy meals, fatty foods, and sweet desserts might cause indigestion and make sleeping difficult.

To get the advantages of these meals, we recommend eating dinner at least three hours before bed, giving your body plenty of time to digest. Avoid late-night snacking, but if you want something, go for something light before bed, such as cheese and crackers or apple slices with peanut butter.

5. Optimise your bedroom environment

When searching for strategies for better sleep, bedroom optimisation is always discussed. As you can imagine, your bedroom is important. Without a good sleeping environment, you can't sleep well.

Because of this, we strongly urge you to consider this tip for good sleep hygiene. You can achieve this by considering the following:

· Aromas - A faint aroma that you find relaxing might help you sleep. Natural fragrance essential oils, such as lavender, can give your bedroom a calming and fresh scent.

· Temperature - You don't want your bedroom temperature to be too hot or too chilly. The appropriate temperature varies depending on the individual, but most studies suggest sleeping in a colder area between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal.

· Noise levels - Noise reduction is a crucial aspect of creating a sleep-positive bedroom. Suppose you can't get rid of the noise, attempt drowning it out with a fan, earplugs, or a white noise machine.

· Light disruption - Excessive light might disrupt your sleep and circadian rhythm. By putting blackout curtains over your windows, you can block out light and keep it from interfering with your sleep.

· High-performance mattress and pillow – It's essential to get the appropriate mattress for your needs to be comfortable enough to rest. In conjunction with a good pillow, it guarantees that your spine receives adequate support to avoid aches and pains

6. Exercise regularly during the day

Exercise is one of the most scientifically proven strategies to enhance sleep and overall health. One study of older adults found that exercise cut the time it took to fall asleep in half and delivered 41 minutes of extra sleep each night.

Although everyday exercise is essential for a healthy night's sleep, doing it too late may induce sleep issues. This is due to exercise's stimulatory impact, which raises alertness and chemicals such as epinephrine and adrenaline. As a result, aim to exercise at least once a day, preferably in the morning

7. Consider supplementing with Nu Mind

The last tip for good sleep hygiene is supplementation. Our Stress & Mild Anxiety Support Supplement is packed with minerals, apoptogenic herbs, flower remedies, and vitamins that can help aid with sleep. Some of these include:

Lavender: A potent plant with several health advantages, may have a sedative and soothing effect, which can aid with sleep.

L-theanine: An amino acid that can help with relaxation and sleep.

Magnesium: Responsible for over 600 processes in your body, it can help you relax and sleep better.

Additionally, the other ingredients are used to enhance mental clarity, improve focus, and boost overall well-being - all factors contributing to sleep quality.


After reading the above, you know 7 strategies for better sleep. When implementing these, remember that it's a slow-paced race. Don't go all in with every tip. Instead, gradually implement each individual one and watch the outcome.

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